

词汇 hæmo-

hæmo-, hemo-|hiːməʊ, hɛməʊ|before a vowel hæm-, hem- |hiːm, hɛm|,repr. Gr. αἱµο-, shortened form of αἱµατο- hæmato-, combining form of αἷµα blood: cf. Gr. αἱµοπώτης = αἱµατοπώτης blood-drinker, αἱµορραγία hæmorrhage. Many words in hæmo- occur also in the fuller form hæmato-.Some of these words have been improperly written hæma-; a few in which this spelling prevails will be found in their alphabetical places; the rest are entered here under the more etymological form. As regards the spellings hæ- and he- see note s.v. hæma-.ˌhæmochromaˈtosis (erron. hæma-) Path. [see chromato- and -osis] = bronze diabetes; ˈhæmochrome |-krəʊm|, erron. hæma- [Gr. χρῶµα colour], the colouring matter of the blood = hæmoglobin; hence ˌhæmochroˈmometer, ‘an apparatus for calculating the amount of hæmoglobin in a liquid by comparison with a standard solution of normal colour’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.); ˌhæmoˈchromogen [chromogen], a product obtained from hæmoglobin by hydrolysis; ˈhæmocœle |-siːl| [Gr. κοῖλος hollow, κοιλία cavity], the body-cavity of an arthropod or mollusc, analogous to the cœlome of a vertebrate; ˌhæmoconcenˈtration (see quot. 1949); ˌhæmocyˈtometer (erron. hæma-): see quots. and hæmato-; ˌhæmodiˈalysis Med. = dialysis 5 b; hence ˌhæmoˈdialyser, an artificial kidney; ˌhæmodroˈmometer (also shortened -ˈdrometer), -ˈdromograph [Gr. δρόµος course: see -meter, -graph], instruments for measuring and registering the velocity of the blood-current; ˌhæmodyˈnamic a., of or belonging to hæmodynamics; ˌhæmodyˈnamics [see dynamics], ‘the science of the forces connected with the motion of the blood’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.); ˌhæmodynaˈmometer (erron. hæma-), an instrument for measuring the pressure of the blood; hæmoˈgastric a. (erron. hæma-) [see gastric], belonging to, or characterized by, effusion of blood into the stomach; ˌhæmogenetic |-dʒɪˈnɛtɪk| a. (erron. hæma-) [see genetic], blood-producing; hæmoˈglobulin Chem. = hæmoglobin; ˈhæmogram [-gram], a systematic description of a patient's blood cells. ˌhæmoˈgregarine [ad. mod.L. generic name Hæmogregarina (B. Danilewsky 1885, in Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie XXIV. 589], a member of a group of coccidian parasites which infest the blood of vertebrates and are transmitted by invertebrates; ˌhæmopaˈthology, the pathology of the blood; ˌhæmopoiˈesis, var. hæmatopoiesis; hæmopoiˈetic (see hæmato-); ˌhæmopoiˈetin, -ine [ad. F. hémopoïétine (Carnot & Deflandre 1906, in Compt. Rend. CXLIII. 386)], = erythropoietin; ˈhæmoscope, an apparatus for examining the blood; so hæˈmoscopy (erron. hæma-), examination of the blood: see hæmato-; ˌhæmoˈsiderin [a. G. hämosiderin (E. Neumann 1888, in Arch. f. Path. Anat. u. Physiol. CXI. 27), f. Gr. σίδηρ-ος iron: see -in1], a brownish-yellow granular iron-protein substance used to store iron in the body; ˌhæmosideˈrosis [siderosis], accumulation of hæmosiderin in body tissues; hæmoˈspastic [Gr. σπαστικός drawing, absorbing], a. having the property of drawing blood to a part, as a cupping-glass; n. something having this property (Dunglison, 1857); hæˈmostasis [cf. stasis] , stoppage of the flow of blood; ˈhæmostat [cf. -stat], (a) (see quot. 1900) (obs.); (b) an instrument for retarding hæmorrhage; hæmotachometer |-təˈkɒmɪtə(r)|, erron. hæma- [Gr. τάχος speed, velocity: see -meter], an instrument for measuring the velocity of the blood-current; so ˌhæmotaˈchometry, the measurement of this; hæmoˈthorax (see hæmato-); hæmotrophy |-ˈɒtrəʊfɪ| [Gr. -τροϕία nourishment], ‘excess of sanguineous nourishment’ (Dunglison).1899Brit. Med. Jrnl. 9 Dec. 1595/1 In the general *haemochromatosis associated with cirrhosis of the liver, the pigment is the haemosiderin and has an ochre yellow colour, which gives to the organs..a most remarkable and characteristic appearance.1907Practitioner Aug. 214 Haemochromatosis is a rare disease; the pigmentation is often, but not invariably, associated with glycosuria and cirrhosis of the liver.1932Sunday Pictorial 17 Jan. 6/4 The cause of death was hæmachromatosis, an extremely rare disease of metabolism.1964L. Martin Clin. Endocrinol. (ed. 4) v. 179 In hæmochromatosis the pigmentation is primarily a slaty-grey colour and there is hepatic enlargement with glycosuria.1885Jrnl. Physiol. VI. 28, I have seen in the lobule of the liver of a pigeon..in one part *haemochromogen, in another biliverdin.1957New Biol. XXIV. 65 Another possible route for haemoglobin loss is the following. In the gut there is found a compound known as a haemochromogen, which is related to haemoglobin.Ibid., In the laboratory haemochromogen is a breakdown product of haemoglobin.1882Brit. Med. Jrnl. II. 1005 Two New *Hæmachromometers.18..Jrnl. Microsc. Sc. XXVIII. 384 (Cent.) The *hæmocœle is divided into five main chambers.1940Acta Med. Scand. CIII. 548 We shall be able to find hyperglobulinemia without any displacement of the ratio of albumin to globulin in those cases where there is a *hemo-concentration on account of desiccation.1947Radiology XLIX. 302/2 These dogs also showed a terminal hemoconcentration.1949New Gould Med. Dict. 453/1 Hemoconcentration, an increase in the concentration of blood cells resulting from the loss of plasma or water from the blood stream; anhydremia.1964L. Martin Clin. Endocrinol. (ed. 4) v. 170 Shock is a complex syndrome manifested by hæmoconcentration.1877W. R. Gowers in Lancet 798 The *hæmacytometer consists of an apparatus for estimating approximately the number of corpuscles contained in a given volume of blood.1879Trans. Clin. Soc. XII. 67 Ascertaining with the hæmocytometer the corpuscular richness of the blood.1894Quain's Dict. Med. I. 763 The hæmocytometer may..be employed for ascertaining the globular richness of milk or other liquids.1959Kupfer & Rosenak in Jrnl. Laboratory & Clin. Med. Nov. 746 (title) A new parallel tube continuous *hemodialyzer.1963Lancet 12 Jan. 82/2 The dialysing area of the particular hæmodialyser employed is given, together with the urea clearance achieved by its use.1947Q. Cumulative Index Medicus XLII. 1186/1 Attempted therapy of anuria by intraperitoneal *hemodialysis.1962Lancet 19 May 1055/1 Hæmodialysis is now commonly applied in acute renal failure.1968Hæmodialysis [see dialysis 5 b].1888Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 97/2 Chauveau and Lorlet first used their *hæmadromograph in 1860.1857Dunglison Med. Lex. 439 *Hæmadromometer.1867J. Marshall Outlines Physiol. II. 227 The hæmadromometer of Volkmann consists of a bent U-shaped glass tube [etc.].1885T. L. Brunton Text-bk. Pharmacol. i. xi. (1887) 294 The hæmodrometer shows the rate of circulation in the particular artery experimented on.1907Practitioner Aug. 217 Although fully recognising the importance of the diastolic pressure, when working at *hæmodynamic problems,..I did not consider it essential.1961Lancet 12 Aug. 331/1 (title) Hæmodynamic effects of guanethidine.1857Dunglison Med. Lex. 439 *Hæmadynamics.1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. I. 662/2 The experiments..made with the *hemadynamometer.1872Lancet I. 675 The mercurial hæmodynamometer gives the pulse-waves.1858J. Copland Dict. Med. III. 138 Hæmagastric or continued yellow fever.1886Syd. Soc. Lex., Hæmogastric, having blood in the stomach; applied to certain forms of pestilential fever in which blood is vomited.1859Todd Cycl. Anat. V. 386 The protein compounds..are thus histogenetic and *hæmagenetic.1876tr. Wagner's Gen. Pathol. 520 Poverty of the blood in *hæmoglobulin and albumen.1929R. B. H. Gradwohl tr. Schilling's Blood Picture 17 With the aid of..simple measures the ‘*hemogram’ is constructed; by its brevity and capacity to express many things it constitutes the basis for the practical usage of the blood picture.1961Lancet 9 Sept. 568/1 Other studies showed a normal hæmogram and urine analysis.1908Practitioner Feb. 226 (heading) Piroplasmosis, *hæmogregarines and Leishman-Donovan body.1961C. H. Pope Giant Snakes (1962) 189 No one knows just what hæmogregarines do to their reptile hosts. This technical name for such parasites derives from the fact that they live in red blood cells.1876tr. Wagner's Gen. Pathol. 517 The chief obstacle to the study of so-called *Hæmopathology.1900Dorland Med. Dict. 296/1 *Hemopoiesis.1948Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CCXV. 411/1 We have noted that a number of chemical substances stimulated hemopoiesis in persons with Addisonian pernicious anemia... One of these, thymine.., is a pyrimidine base.1964D. Nichols in Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. II. 398 Most of the vessels are composed of large, loosely-packed connective tissue cells with scattered regions of haemopoiesis.1876tr. Wagner's Gen. Pathol. 525 When the lost blood shall have been reproduced by means of food, and by the *hæmopoietic organs.1947Radiology XLIX. 291/2 These studies indicate a sensitivity of the hemopoietic system of man.1956Nature 10 Mar. 452/1 Adult mice irradiated with an expectedly lethal dose of X-rays could recover if grafted or injected with hæmopoietic tissue from a normal mouse.1926Chem. Abstr. XX. 1839 *Hemopoëtin, a substance which appears in the serum of organisms exposed to reduced pressure and has a marked stimulating effect on the bone marrow resulting in increased regenerative capacity of the blood.1932Wilkinson & Klein in Lancet 2 Apr. 721/1 Hæmopoietin may be identified with or allied to Castle's ‘intrinsic factor’ of normal human gastric juice.Ibid. 721/2 This ‘enzyme’ acting on the proteins in a normal diet may produce a substance which is stored as the active principle in liver until it is required for haemopoietic regeneration... It is proposed temporarily to term this substance in hog's stomach ‘haemopoietin’.1960Blood XVI. 1407 Up to the present the only reproducible sources of hemopoietine are plasma and urine of animals made severely hypoxic.1970Krantz & Jacobson Erythropoietin i. 4 The plasma factor that increased erythropoiesis had been termed hemopoietine by Carnot and Deflandre; however, as work proceeded, it appeared to be involved exclusively in red cell production.., and erythropoietin became the adopted name.1896F. W. Mott in T. C. Allbutt Syst. Med. I. i. 196 When blood corpuscles undergo destruction, as in large extravasations of blood, two substances may be formed—(a) *Haemosiderin and (b) Haematoidin... Haemosiderin may also be found in the renal epithelium.1964S. Duke-Elder Parsons' Dis. Eye (ed. 14), xvi. 221 A brownish ring, probably due to hæmosiderin, may form in the epithelium encircling the cone (Fleischer's ring).1972Balcerzak & Wheby in C. E. Mengel et al. Hematol. ii. 41 At physiologic levels of tissue iron, slightly more ferretin iron is present than hemosiderin iron. Hemosiderin predominates when excess iron develops.1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., *Hemosiderosis.1942M. M. Wintrobe Clin. Hematol. x. 435 Enlargement of the liver with hemosiderosis has been noted in a number of instances [of acute hemolytic anemia].1963J. H. Burn Drugs, Med. & Man (ed. 2) xvi. 159 Among the Bantu in Africa, who use cooking utensils of iron, some of the iron of the pan gets into the food, so that the intake of iron is very high. The absorption of iron continues, and the amount of iron in the liver and other tissues becomes very large. The condition is known as haemosiderosis.1971Leavell & Thorup Fund. Clin. Hematol. (ed. 3) v. 149 Post-transfusional hemosiderosis is an important development in some patients with chronic bone marrow failure or hemolytic anemia who require frequent blood transfusions. Usually the iron is stored in the reticuloendothelial cells.1843Maryland Med. & Surg. Jrnl. III. 265 (heading) On *hæmostasis, and the physical phenomenon of circulation.1848Dunglison Med. Lex. (ed. 7) 411/1 Hæmostasis.1907Practitioner Aug. 302 Simple serum contains all the coagulating ferments necessary for haemostasis.1914Brit. Med. Jrnl. 4 July 8/2 (heading) Note on haemostasis by application of living tissue.Ibid., I found that a muscle haemostasis would resist as much as 60 to 80 mm. Hg blood pressure.1962Lancet 27 Jan. 177/1 It is interesting to speculate whether the control could be so low that defective hæmostasis would result despite a normal total prothrombin content.1900Dorland Med. Dict. 296/2 *Hemostat, a proprietary remedy for nose-bleed, containing tannin, quinin sulphate, lard, and benzoic acid: used externally.1904F. P. Foster Appleton's Med. Dict. 1033/2 Hæmostat. 1. A hæmostatic forceps or other appliance.1929F. A. Pottle Stretchers (1930) 110 The assistant mops it up with a gauze sponge, discovers the point where the blood vessel is severed, and the surgeon clips it with a haemostat, another variety of pincers with handles like manicure scissors.1969Troup & Schwartz in S. I. Schwartz Princ. Surg. iii. 106/1 The finger has the advantage of being the least traumatic vascular hemostat.1867J. Marshall Outlines Physiol. II. 228 The *hæmotachometer of Vierordt.1888Foster Physiol. (ed. 5) 222 The Hæmatachometer of Vierordt is constructed on the principle of measuring the velocity of the current by observing the amount of deviation of a pendulum, the free end of which hangs loosely in the stream.1857Dunglison Med. Lex. 440 *Hæmathorax, Hæmatothorax.1864T. Holmes Syst. Surg. (1870) II. 589 Hæmo-thorax is hæmorrhage into the cavity of the pleura.haemopneumothorax n. Med. the presence of air (or gas) and blood in the pleural cavity; an instance of this.1867C. G. Raue Special Pathol. & Diagnostics 199 Pneumothorax..is called, according to the coexisting fluid, either pyo, or *hæmo, or hydro-pneumothorax.1912Lancet 28 Dec. 1795 There had been much hæmorrhage and the patient was collapsed. A hæmopneumothorax was present.2003Jrnl. Trauma 55 864 A small, portable, easy-to-use handpump (HP) that does not require continuous suction for treating hemopneumothorax would offer a major logistical advantage [in the battlefield].



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