词汇 | property |
词根词缀 | 词源: c.1300, "nature, quality," later "possession" (a sense rare before 17c.), from an Anglo-Fr. modification of O.Fr. propriete (12c., Fr. propreté), from L. proprietatem (nom. proprietas) "ownership, property, propriety," lit. "special character" (a loan-translation of Gk. idioma), noun of quality from proprius "one's own, special" (see proper). Propertied "holding property" is from 1760. Hot property "sensation, a success" is from 1958. 词根记忆: n. 财产,资产,地产,房地产,所有物;性质,特性The rope is proper property to the prospering rope maker.绳子对成功的制绳者来说是真正的财产. n. 财产;所有物;特性(proper+ty)[proper,propri=one's own,表示"拥有",引申为"恰当的"] 词根词缀: property property n 财产,所有物,特性(proper+ty) proper, propri" one's own, 表示”拥有”,引申为”恰当的” property n 财产,所有物,特性(proper+ty) proprietor n 所有者(propri+etor=拥有者) proprietory a 私有的(proprietor所有者+y…的) appropriate v 拨款,挪用a. 适当的(ap一再+propri+ate=一再拥有[公物]=挪用) expropriate v 没收,征用(ex出+propri+ate=不再拥有=没收) propriety n 适当,礼节(propri+ety=拥有[风度]=适当) improper a 不适当的(im不+proper适当的) propitiate propitiate v 获宠爱,抚慰(pro前+pit[=pet]+iate=追到前面去=获宠爱) pet=seek,表示”追寻,寻求” petition n 请愿,申请(pet+ition=追寻状态=请愿) petitioner n 请愿者(petition+er) appetite n 欲望,胃口(ap加强动作+pet+ite=一再追求=有胃口) appetizer n 开胃食品(appet胃口+izer 东西) centripetal a 向心的(centri中心+per+al=追求中心的) compete v 竞争,竞赛(com共同+pete=共同追求[一个目标]=竞争) competent a 资格的,能力的(compete+ent=竞争的[能力]=有资格的) competence n 资格,能力(compete+ence=竞争的[能力]=资格) competitive a 有竞争力的(compete+itive) incompetent a 无能的(in无+competent有能力的) impetus n 动力,冲动(im内+pet+us=内在的追求=冲动) impetuous a 冲动的(impetus+ous) perpetuate v 使永久,不朽(per全部,永久+pet+uate=追求永久) perpetual a 永久的(per+pet+ual) petulant a (脾气) 暴躁的(pet+ulant多…的=追求太多,导致脾气不好) propitiate v 获宠爱,抚慰(pro前+pit[=pet]+iate=追到前面去=获宠爱) propitious a 幸运的,吉祥的(pro前+pit+ious=在[别人]前面追到=幸运的) |
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