

词汇 prohibition
词根词缀 词源:
late 14c., from O.Fr. prohibition (early 13c.), from L. prohibitionem (nom. prohibitio) "a hindering, forbidding," from prohibitus, pp. of prohibere "hold back," from pro- "away, forth" + habere "to hold" (see habit). Meaning "forced alcohol abstinence" is 1851, Amer.Eng.; in effect in U.S. as law 1920-1933 under the Volstead Act. "People whose youth did not coincide with the twenties never had our reverence for strong drink. Older men knew liquor before it became the symbol of a sacred cause. Kids who began drinking after 1933 take it as a matter of course. ... Drinking, we proved to ourselves our freedom as individuals and flouted Congress. We conformed to a popular type of dissent -- dissent from a minority. It was the only period during which a fellow could be smug and slopped concurrently." [A.J. Liebling, "Between Meals," 1959]
prohibition n 禁止(probibit+ion)
hibit=hold,表示”拿住” exhibit v/n 展览,显示(ex出+hibit=拿来=展览)
exhibition n 展览,表演(exhibit+ion)
exhibitionist n 爱出风头的人( exhibition+ist=展览自己的人)
inhibit v 禁止,阻止(in不+hibit=不能拿=禁止)
inhibition n 禁止,禁令(inhibit+ion)
uninhibited a 不被禁止的(un不+inhibit禁止+ed)
prohibit v 阻止,禁止(pro前面+hibit=在前面拿住=不让前进=阻止)
prohibition n 禁止(probibit+ion)
prohibitive a 禁止的,价格极贵的(prohibit禁止+ive=价格到了禁止人买的地步)




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