

词汇 pot
词根词缀 词源:
  pot (1)
   "vessel," from late O.E. pott and O.Fr. pot, both from a general Low Gmc. and Romanic word from V.L. *pottus, of uncertain origin, said by OED to be unconnected to L.L. potus "drinking cup" (c.600). Celtic forms are said to be borrowed from Eng. and French. Slang meaning "large sum of money staked on a bet" is attested from 1823. Potbellied is first attested 1657; potholder is from 1928. Pot roast is from 1881; pot-pie is 1823, Amer.Eng.; phrase go to pot (16c.) suggests cooking. Potted in the fig. sense of "put into a short, condensed form" is attested from 1866. In phrases, the pot calls the kettle black-arse is from c.1700; shit or get off the pot is traced by Partridge to Canadian armed forces in World War II.
  pot (2)
   "marijuana," 1938, probably a shortened form of Mexican Sp. potiguaya "marijuana leaves."
罐,壶Put the spotless potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco atoms into the hot pot.把无斑点的土豆,番茄和烟草微粒放进热锅里.




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