

词汇 passion
词根词缀 词源:
late 12c., "sufferings of Christ on the Cross," from O.Fr. passion, from L.L. passionem (nom. passio) "suffering, enduring," from stem of L. pati "to suffer, endure," from PIE base *pei- "to hurt" (cf. Skt. pijati "reviles, scorns," Gk. pema "suffering, misery, woe," O.E. feond "enemy, devil," Goth. faian "to blame"). Sense extended to sufferings of martyrs, and suffering generally, by early 13c.; meaning "strong emotion, desire" is attested from late 14c., from L.L. use of passio to render Gk. pathos. Replaced O.E. þolung (used in glosses to render L. passio), lit. "suffering," from þolian (v.) "to endure." Sense of "sexual love" first attested 1580s; that of "strong liking, enthusiasm, predilection" is from 1630s. The passion-flower so called from 1630s."The name passionflower -- flos passionis -- arose from the supposed resemblance of the corona to the crown of thorns, and of the other parts of the flower to the nails, or wounds, while the five sepals and five petals were taken to symbolize the ten apostles -- Peter ... and Judas ... being left out of the reckoning." ["Encyclopedia Brittanica," 1885]
热情,激情,爱好;激怒;强烈感情In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture.在过去,指南针可以将激情传递给在牧场上消遣的被动之人
passion n 激情(pass+ion)
pass= felling, 表示”感情” passion n 激情(pass+ion)
passive a 消极的,被动的(pass+ive=感情用事=被动的)
impassive a 冷漠的(im无+pass+ive=无感情的)
impassioned a 充满激情的(im进入+passion激情+ed=进入激情)
compassion n 同情(com共同+pass+ion=共同感情=同情)
patience n 耐心,忍受(par[=pass]+ience=感情,有感情就有耐心=耐心)
impatient a 不耐烦的(im+patient)
compatible a 和谐的,相容的(com共同+pat+ible=有共同感情的=相容的)
compatibility n 和谐共处(com+pat+ibility)




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