

词汇 withstand
词根词缀 词源:
O.E. wiðstandan, from wið "against" (see with) + standan "to stand" (see stand (v.)); perhaps a loan-translation of L. resistere "to resist" (see resist). Cf. O.N. viðstanda, O.Fris. withstonda, O.H.G. widarstan. In 14c. and early 15c., withsit was in use with the same meaning.
抵抗,经受住Hitherto the withering flowers can't withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.尽管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光.
withstand v 抵抗,抵挡(with反+stand=反着站=抵抗)
st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin"
stand, 表示”站,立” stable a 稳定的(st+able=能站的=稳定的)
stability n 稳定性(st+ability)
stabilization n 稳定,安定(来自stabilize稳定)
obstacle n 障碍(物)
circumstance n 环境(circum周围+stance=站在周围的东西=环境)
instance n 情况,例子(in内+stance=站在里面的东西=例子)
instant a 紧急的(in+stant=站进来的=紧急的)
instantaneous a 同时发生的(instant马上的+aneous=马上发生的=同时发生的)
substance n 物质,本质(sub下面+stance=站在下面的东西=具体物质)
substantial a 本质的,实在的(sub+stant+ial=本质的)
substantiate v 证实(sub+stant+iate=[把理论]物质化=证实)
substantive a 根本的,实质的(sub+stant+ive)
constant a 不变的,稳定的(con始终+stant=始终站着=不变的)
constancy n 不变,不屈不挠distant a 有距离的(dis分开+stant=分开站=有距离的)
equidistance n 等距离(equi平等+distance距离)
state n 国家,状态stateliness n 庄严,雄伟(state国家+li[=ly]+ness=国家状态=庄严)
statement n 声明,陈述(state+ment=站着说话=声明立场)
stationary a 不动的,稳定的(station站+ary=站着的=不动的)
stationery n 文具(station+ery)
statue n 雕像(stat+ue=站着的[雕像])
stature n 身长,身材(stat+ure)
status n 状态,情况(stat+us)
statute n 法令,法规(star+ure=站着不动的东西=法令)
estate n 不动产,财产(e出+state=站出来的东西=房子等不动产)
static a 静止的statistics n 统计学(stat+istics学科=站着去计算数据的学科=统计学)
apostasy n 背教,变节(apo离开+stasy=站开了=背教)
apostate n 变节者(apo+state)
obstinate a 顽固的(ob反+stin+ate=[和别人]反着站=顽固的)
obstinacy n 顽固,顽强(ob+stin+acy)
stagnant a 停滞的(stagn站+ant=站着不走=停滞的)
stamina n 耐力,持久力(stam[stan站]+ina=站下去=[有]耐力)
steadfast a 坚定的,固定的(stead[=stand]+fast稳固的)
homestead n 家园(home+stead[=stand]=站着的家=家园)
withstand v 抵抗,抵挡(with反+stand=反着站=抵抗)
womanlike a 女人气的(woman女人)
-like表形容词,”像…一样” dreamlike a 如梦般的(dream梦)
steellike a 钢铁般的(steel钢)
womanlike a 女人气的(woman女人)
childlike a 孩子般的(child孩子)
vicelike a 牢固的,坚实的(vice钳子)
warlike a 好战的(war战争)




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