

词汇 mount
词根词缀 词源:
  mount (v.) 13c., from O.Fr. monter "to go up, ascend, climb, mount," from V.L. *montare, from L. mons (gen. montis) "mountain" (see mount (n.)). Meaning "to set or place in position" first recorded 1530s. Sense of "to get up on (a horse, etc.) to ride" is from c.1500; "to get up on for purposes of copulation" is from 1590s. The colloquial noun meaning "a horse for riding" first recorded 1856. Related: Mounted; mounting.
  mount (n.) "hill, mountain," mid-13c., from Anglo-Fr. mount, from O.Fr. mont "mountain;" also partly from O.E. munt "mountain;" both the O.E. and the O.Fr. from L. montem (nom. mons, gen. montis) "mountain," from PIE base *men- "to stand out, project" (cf. Welsh mynydd "mountain").
登上;安装n.支架,底板;(用于山名前)山峰I mounted the mountain and found a fountain with large amount of water.我登上那座山发现一个水量很大的喷泉.
mountaineer n 登山者(mountain山)
-eer表名词,”…人员” mountaineer n 登山者(mountain山)
profiteer n 牟取暴利者(profit利润)
engineer n 工程师(engine发动机)
volunteer n 志愿者(volunt自愿)
mutineer n 背叛者(mutiny哗变)
mount n 山丘 v. 登上mount=ascend,表示”登上” mount n 山丘 v. 登上mounted a 骑马的(mount+ed)
mountain n 山(mount+ain)
mountainous a 多山的,巨大的(mountain山+ous)
dismount v 下车,下马(dis下+mount登上=从马上下来)
surmount v 克服(困难等)
insurmountable a 难克服的(in不+surmount克服+able=不能克服的)
remount v 重新登上(re再+mount=再次登上)
paramount a 最高的,首要的(para类似+mount=类似高山=最高的)
mountebank n 江湖骗子(mounte+bank(即bench)
tantamount a 同等的,相等的(tant相等+a+mount数量)
mountainous a 多山的(mountain山)
-ous表形容词,通常放在一个完整的单词后,表示”…的” dangerous a 危险的(danger危险)
mountainous a 多山的(mountain山)
coruageous a 勇敢的(courage勇气)
poisonous a 有毒的(poison毒)
advantageous a 有利的(advantage利益)
zealous a 热心的(zeal热情)
prosperous a 繁荣的(pro在前+sper希望+ous)
rigorous a 严厉的(rigor严格)
timorous a 胆小的(timor胆怯)
lustrous a 有光泽的(luster光泽)
circuitous a 迂回的(circuit迂回,循环)
luminous a 发光的,易懂的(lumin亮光,流明[光的单位])




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