词汇 | dexterity |
词根词缀 | 词源: 1520s, from M.Fr. dexterite, from L. dexteritatem (nom. dexteritas), from dexter "skillful," also "right (hand)," from PIE base *dek-, cf. Gk. dexios "on the right hand," also "fortunate, clever;" Goth. taihswa; Skt. daksinah "on the right hand, southern, skillful;" Lith. desinas; O.Ir. dess "on the right hand, southern." Klein says the PIE base meant "to take, receive," also "acceptable, becoming, good." The Gk. and L. forms are with the comp. suffix -ter, thus meaning etymologically "the better direction." M.E. dester meant "right hand," and in heraldry dexter means "on the right side." 词根记忆: n. 敏捷(dexter+ity)[dexter=right,表示"右边"] 词根词缀: dexteritydexterity n 敏捷(dexter+ity) dexter right,表示”右边” dexterous a 灵巧的,敏捷的(右手比左手灵巧) dexterity n 敏捷(dexter+ity) ambidextrous a 非常灵活的(amdi两个+dextrous=两只手都和右手一样灵巧) dextral a 右边的,用右手的(dextr+al) dexterous dexterous a 灵巧的,敏捷的(右手比左手灵巧) dexter" right,表示”右边” dexterous a 灵巧的,敏捷的(右手比左手灵巧) dexterity n 敏捷(dexter+ity) ambidextrous a 非常灵活的(amdi两个+dextrous=两只手都和右手一样灵巧) dextral a 右边的,用右手的(dextr+al) dextral dextral a 右边的,用右手的(dextr+al) dexter" right,表示”右边” dexterous a 灵巧的,敏捷的(右手比左手灵巧) dexterity n 敏捷(dexter+ity) ambidextrous a 非常灵活的(amdi两个+dextrous=两只手都和右手一样灵巧) dextral a 右边的,用右手的(dextr+al) diagnosis diagnosis n 诊断(dia 穿过+gnos+is=穿过[身体]知道=诊断) gnos(t) ,gnor=know,表示”知道” gnosis n 灵知(gnos+is) diagnosis n 诊断(dia 穿过+gnos+is=穿过[身体]知道=诊断) prognosis n 预测,诊断(pro在前+gnost+is=预先知道=预测) prognostic a 预兆的n.征兆( pro+gnost+ic) agnostic a 不可知论的(a不+ gnost+ic=不知道的) ignore v 疏忽,不理睬(i不+geore=不知道=不理睬) ignorance n 无知,愚昧(ignore+ance) ignoramus n 不学无术的人(ignore无知+amus表示人或物=无知的人) diagnosis诊断(dia+gnosis知道=穿过(皮肤) 知道=诊断) dia-表示”穿过,二者之间”dialogue对话(dia+logue话=对着说话) diameter直径(dia+meter测量=对着测量(圆) 直径) diaphanous透明的,精致的(dia+phan显示+ous=对面显示(影子) =透明的) dialectic辩证法(dia+lect讲+ic=二人对讲=辩证法) diagnosis诊断(dia+gnosis知道=穿过(皮肤) 知道=诊断) diagram图表(dia+gram=交叉对着画=图表) |
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