

词汇 stand
词根词缀 词源:
  stand (v.) O.E. standan (class VI strong verb; past tense stod, pp. standen), from P.Gmc. *sta-n-d- (cf. O.N. standa, O.S., Goth. standan, O.H.G. stantan, Swed. stå, Du. staan, Ger. stehen), from PIE base *sta- "to stand" (cf. Skt. tisthati "stands," Gk. histemi "cause to stand, set, place," L. stare "stand," Lith. stojus, O.C.S. stajati; see stet). Sense of "to exist, be present" is attested from c.1300. Meaning "to pay for as a treat" is from 1821. Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason. Phrase stand pat is originally from poker (1882); stand down in the military sense of "go off duty" is first recorded 1916. Standing ovation attested by 1968; standing army is from 1603.
  stand (n.) "pause, delay," O.E., from the root of stand (v.). Meaning "place of standing, position" is from c.1300; fig. sense is from 1595. Sense of "action of standing or coming to a position" is attested from 1392, especially in ref. to fighting. Meaning "raised platform for a hunter or sportsman" is attested from c.1400. Sense of "Stall or booth" is first recorded 1508. Military meaning "complete set" (of arms, colors, etc.) is from 1721, often a collective sing. Sense of "standing growth of trees" is 1868, Amer.Eng. Theatrical sense of "each stop made on a performance tour" is from 1896. The word was formerly also slang for "an erection" (1867).
站立;位于;经受n.台,座;货摊;立场I can't stand that man; he talks too much.这个人真叫我受不了,他的话太多.




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