

词汇 stamp
词根词缀 词源:
  stamp (v.) O.E. stempan "to pound in a mortar, stamp," from P.Gmc. *stampojanan (cf. O.N. stappa, M.Du. stampen, O.H.G. stampfon, Ger. stampfen "to stamp with the foot, beat, pound," Ger. Stampfe "pestle"), from nasalized form of PIE base *stebh- "to support, place firmly on" (cf. Gk. stembein "to trample, misuse;" see staff). The meaning "impress or mark (something) with a die" is first recorded 1560. To stamp out "extinguish (a fire) by stamping on it" is attested from 1851 in the fig. sense. Stamping ground "one's particular territory" (1821) is from the notion of animals. It. stampa "stamp, impression," Sp. estampar "to stamp, print," Fr. estamper "to stamp, impress" are Gmc. loan-words.
  stamp (n.) 1465, "stamping tool," from stamp (v.). Sense of "official mark or imprint" (to certify that duty has been paid on what has been printed or written) dates from 1542; transferred 1837 to adhesive labels issued by governments to serve the same purpose as impressed stamps. Stamp-collecting is from 1862.
邮票;印;跺脚;标志v.跺脚,顿足;盖章He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam.他用脚踩邮票并将灯砰地摔在潮湿的坝上.




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