词汇 | outrage |
词根词缀 | 词源: outrage (n.) late 13c., "violent behavior, excess, extravagance," from O.Fr. outrage (12c.), earlier oltrage (11c.), from V.L. *ultraticum "excess," from L. ultra "beyond." Etymologically, "the passing beyond reasonable bounds" in any sense; meaning narrowed in Eng. toward violent excesses because of folk etymology from out + rage. Of injuries to feelings, principles, etc., from 1769. The verb is from c.1300 in the sense of "to go to excess;" 1580s with meaning "do violence to." 词根记忆: n. 暴行,侮辱,愤怒v.凌辱,引起…义愤,强奸I was outraged by the whole proceeding.整个事件使我感到愤慨. n. 粗暴,暴行(out+rage怒气→怒气外露→粗暴)[out-②表示"出去,过时"①表示"超过,过度"] n. 暴行,残暴(out出+rage→作出疯狂的事→残暴)[roge=mad,表示"疯狂"] 词根词缀: outrage outrage n.粗暴,暴行(out+rage怒气=怒气外露=粗暴) out-① 表示”超过.过度”outdo v.胜过,战胜(out+do做=做得超出别人) outlive v.活得比…长(out+live活=超过别人活着) outnumber v.在数量上超过(out+number数量) outsize a.过大的(out+size范围=范围超出) outwear v.穿破(out+wear穿=穿出了[洞]) outwit v.以机智取胜(out+wit机智=机智超出别人) outbid v.出价多于(他人) (out+bid出价=出价超出) outlaw n.歹徒(out+law法律=超越法律之人) ② 表示”出去.过时”outside ad.在外面(out+side旁边=在外边) outgoing a.友善的(out+going走=走出来=心胸宽=待人友善的) outlandish a.奇异的(out+land地=ish=外地来的=奇异的) outrage n.粗暴,暴行(out+rage怒气=怒气外露=粗暴) outskirts n.郊区(out+skirts裙子;城市周边=郊区) outflow v.流出(out+flow流=流出) outbreak n.爆发(out+break断裂=事情断裂=爆发) outline n.大纲;轮廓(out+line线条=划出线条=大纲) outmoded a.过时的(out+moded时髦的=出了时髦=不时髦的) outrage n 暴行,残暴(out出+rage=作出疯狂的事=残暴) roge=mad,表示”疯狂” rage n 狂怒enrage v 使发怒(en使+rage=使人疯狂=使发怒) outrage n 暴行,残暴(out出+rage=作出疯狂的事=残暴) outrageous a 残暴的,骇人的(ourage+ous) |
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