

词汇 affectionate
词根词缀 词源:
1580s, "fond, loving," from affection (q.v.); early, now mostly obs., senses included "inclined" (1530s), "prejudiced" (1530s), "passionate" (1540s), "earnest" (c.1600). Other forms also used in the main modern sense of the word included affectious (1580s), affectuous (mid-15c.).
affectionate a 充满感情的(affection 感情+ate)
fac,fact,fect,fic,fig=make,do,表示”做,制作”facile a 容易做的(fac+ile能…的)
facilitate v 使容易(fac+ilitale能够=使能够做=使容易)
facility n 便利,便利设备(容易让人做事)
factor n 要素,动力(fact+or=促使人做的东西=要素,动力)
benefactor n 捐助者,恩人(bene好+fact+or=做好事的人)
benefaction n 善事,恩惠(bene好+fact+ion)
malefaction n 罪恶,犯罪(male坏+fact+ion)
facsimile n 复写,传真(fac+simile相同=做出相同的东西=传真)
faction n 宗派,小集团(fact+ion=[一帮人]做=小集团)
factious a 搞派别的(faction的形容词)
factitious a 人为的,不自然的(fact +itious…的=做出来的,不自然的)
manufacture a 制造(业)
前用 的手做)
affect v 影响,感动(af使+fect=使人做=影响)
affected a 受感动的,假装的(affect 影响+ed=被影响的=被感动的)
affection n 感情,友情(affect+ion=感动=感情)
affectation n 假装(affect+ation=做出的感动=假装)
affectionate a 充满感情的(affection 感情+ate)
affective a 令人感动的( affect感动+ive表示主动的形容词=令人感动的)
confection n 糖果(con共同+fect+ion=混在一起=糖果)
confectionery n 糖果店(confection糖果+ery=糖果店)
defect n 缺点,缺陷,变节(de坏+fect=做坏了=缺陷)
defection n 叛党,变节(de坏+fect=做坏事=叛党)
disaffect a 使…感情疏远,不满(dis分开+affect感情=感情分开=疏远)
disaffected a 不满的,背离的(disaffect+ed)
effect v 实施,生效,效果(ef出+fect=做出来=生效,效果)
effective v 有效的(effect +ive)
effectuate v 使…有效(effect+uate表示动词)
infect v 传染,感化(in进入+fact=做进去=传染进去)
infection n 传染,感化(infect+ion)
infectious a 传染性的(infect+ious)
perfect a 完美的,完全的(per全部+fect=全部做完=完美的)
perfection n 完全,完美(perfect+ion)
sacrifice v 牺牲n. 牺牲品(sacri神圣+fice=为神做的东西=牺牲品)
efficacy n 功效,功能(ef出+fic+acy=做出来的结果=功效)
efficacious a 有效应的(efficacy.y 变成i,再加ous)
efficient a (做事)
proficient a 精通的,熟练的(pro前+fic+ient=以前做过=熟练的)
proficiency n 精通,熟练(pro+fic+inecy)
suffice v 使满足,充足(suf在下面+fice=在下面先做好=充足)
sufficient a 足够的,充分的(suffice+inet)
profit n 利润,利益(pro前+fit[=fict]=先做的好处=利益)
profitable a 有利润的(profit+able)
fiction n 虚构,小说(fict+ion=做出的故事=小说)
fictitious a 虚构的(fict+itious)
feat n 功绩,事业(feat=fact做大事=功绩)
feature n 面貌,特征(feat+ure=做事的状态=做事特征)
feasible a 可行的,可能的(feas做+ible=能够做的=可行的)
malfeasance n 不法行为(mal坏+feas+ance=做坏事)
defeat v 打败,摧毁(de向下+feat=做下去=打下去)
defeatism n 失败主义(defeat +ism)
figment n 虚构的事物(fig+ment=做出的东西=虚构)
figure n 形象,人物(fig+ure =做出的状态=形象)
transfigure v 使变形,使改观(trans改变+figure形状)
configuration n 结构,形状,配置(con共同+figure形象+ion=形象放在一起=总结构)
fashion n 时髦,风气(fash[=fac 做]+ion=做出的东西=时髦)
fashionable a 时髦的,流行的(fashion+able)




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