

词汇 wave
词根词缀 词源:
  wave (v.) "move back and forth," O.E. wafian "to wave with the hands" (related to wæfre "wavering, restless"), from P.Gmc. *wab- (cf. O.N. vafra "to hover about," M.H.G. waben "to wave, undulate"), from PIE base *webh- "to move to and fro, to weave" (see weave). Meaning "to make a sign by a wave of the hand" is from 1513.
  wave (n.) "moving billow of water," 1526, from wave (v.), replacing M.E. waw, which is from O.E. wagian "to move to and fro" (cf. O.S., O.H.G. wag, O.Fris. weg, O.N. vagr "water in motion, wave, billow," Goth. wegs "tempest;" see wag (v.)). The usual O.E. word for "moving billow of water" was yð. The "hand motion" meaning is recorded from 1688; meaning "undulating line" is recorded from 1662. Of people in masses, first recorded 1852; in physics, from 1832. Sense in heat wave is from 1843. The crowd stunt in stadiums is attested under this name from 1984, the thing itself said to have been done first Oct. 15, 1981, at the Yankees-A's AL championship series game in the Oakland Coliseum; soon picked up and popularized at University of Washington. To make waves "cause trouble" is attested from 1962. Wavy is recorded from c.1586.
波浪;(挥手)示意;飘扬v.(挥手)示意,致意He waved goodbye to his friend.他向朋友挥手告别.




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