

词汇 hundred
词根词缀 词源:
O.E. hundred "a counting of 100," from W.Gmc. *khundrath (cf. O.N. hundrað, Ger. hundert), first element is P.Gmc. *hunda- "hundred" (cf. Goth. hund, O.H.G. hunt), from PIE *kmtom "hundred" (cf. Skt. satam, Avestan satem, Gk. hekaton, L. centum, Lith. simtas, O.Ir. cet, Bret. kant "hundred"). Second element is P.Gmc. *rath "reckoning, number" (cf. Goth. raþjo "a reckoning, account, number," garaþjan "to count"). O.E. also used simple hund, as well as hund-teontig. Meaning "division of a county or shire with its own court" (still in some British place names and U.S. state of Delaware) was in O.E. and probably represents 100 hides of land. The Hundred Years War (which ran intermittently from 1337 to 1453) was first so called in 1874.
num.百,一百;[pl.]许多a.一百的;许多A hundred years ago, Britain had a large empire.一百年以前,英国有一个很大的帝国.




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