

词汇 hue
词根词缀 词源:
  hue (1)
   "color," O.E. hiw "color, form, appearance, beauty," earlier hiow, heow, from P.Gmc. *khiwjan (cf. O.N. hy "bird's down," Swed. hy "skin, complexion," Goth. hiwi "form, appearance"), probably cognate with Skt. chawi "hide, skin, complexion, color, beauty, splendor." A common word in O.E., squeezed into obscurity after c.1600 by color.
  hue (2)
   "a shouting," mid-13c., from O.Fr. hue "outcry, noise, war or hunting cry," probably of imitative origin. Hue and cry is late 13c. as an Anglo-Fr. legal term meaning "outcry calling for pursuit of a felon." Extended sense of "cry of alarm" is 1580s.




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