

词汇 sanctuary
词根词缀 词源:
c.1340, "building set apart for holy worship," from Anglo-Fr. sentuarie, from O.Fr. sainctuarie, from L.L. sanctuarium "a sacred place, shrine" (especially the Hebrew Holy of Holies; see sanctum), also "a private room," from L. sanctus "holy" (see saint). By medieval Church law, fugitives or debtors enjoyed immunity from arrest in churches, hence transf. sense of "immunity from punishment" (c.1380). General (non-ecclesiastical) sense of "place of refuge or protection" is attested from 1568; as "land set aside for wild plants or animals to breed and live" it is recorded from 1879. Under English law, one claiming the right of sanctuary had 40 days to confess and accept permanent banishment. This was abolished in Britain 1625 in criminal cases, 1696, 1722 in civil cases.
sanctuary n 圣地,避难所(sanct+uary表示场所,如:mortu-ary太平间)
anct=holy,表示”神圣” sanctify v 神圣化(sanct+ify化,表动词)
sanctuary n 圣地,避难所(sanct+uary表示场所,如:mortu-ary太平间)
sanction n 批准,授权(给予神圣的权利)
sanctuary n 圣堂,避难所(sanct神圣)
-ary (1)
表形容词,”…的” honorary a 荣誉的(honor荣誉)
imaginary a 想象的(imagine想象)
elementary a 基本的(element元素,要素)
stationary a 静止的(station车站,驻扎)
temporary a 短暂的(tempor时间)
sedentary a 久坐不动的(sed坐+wnt+ary)
mercenary a 惟利是图的(mercen工资+ary)
表名词,”人,场所,物” secretary n 秘书(secret秘密)
missionary n 传教士(mission宗教使命)
adversary n 对手(ad反+vers转…反转…对手)
luminary n 杰出人物(lumin明亮)
emissary n 特使(e出+miss送)
voluptuary n 耽于享乐 的人(volupt拉丁文意为pleasure)
sanctuary n 圣堂,避难所(sanct神圣)
penitentiary n 监狱,感化院(penitent后悔)
apiary n 养蜂场(api 蜜蜂)
seminary n 神学院(semin种子,培养上帝的种子之地)
granary n 谷仓(gran谷物)
depositatry n 仓库(deposit储存)
library n 图书馆(libr书+ary)
dictionary n 字典(diction措词+ary)
glossary n 难词表(gloss舌头,词语)
salary n 工资(sal盐,古代发盐抵工资)
distributary n 支流(distribute分配,分发)




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