

词汇 row
词根词缀 词源:
  row (1)
   "line of people or things," O.E. ræw "a row, line," from P.Gmc. *rai(h)waz (cf. M.Du. rie, Du. rij "row;" O.H.G. rihan "to thread," riga "line;" Ger. Reihe "row, line, series;" O.N. rega "string"), possibly from PIE base *rei- "to scratch, tear, cut" (cf. Skt. rikhati "scratches," rekha "line"). Meaning "a number of houses in a line" is attested from 1450, originally chiefly Scottish and northern English. Row-house is first recorded 1936, Amer.Eng. Phrase a hard row to hoe first attested 1835, in writing of Davy Crockett.
  row (2)
   "propel with oars," O.E. rowan (class VII strong verb; past tense reow, pp. rowen), from P.Gmc. *ro- (cf. O.N. roa, Du. roeien, W.Fris. roeije, M.H.G. rüejen), from PIE base *ere- "to row" (cf. Skt. aritrah "oar;" Gk. eressein "to row," eretmon "oar," trieres "trireme;" L. remus "oar;" Lith. iriu "to row," irklas "oar;" O.Ir. rome "oar," O.E. roðor "rudder"). First record of rowboat is from 1538 (cf. Du. roeiboot).
  row (3)
   "noisy commotion," 1746, Cambridge University slang, of uncertain origin, perhaps related to rousel "drinking bout" (1602), a shortened form of carousal. Klein suggests a back-formation from rouse (n.), mistaken as a plural (cf. pea from pease).
(一)排,(一)行;吵嚷v.划(船等),荡桨I threw a row of arrows, which narrowly passed the narrow-minded man's eyebrows.我掷了一排箭,箭紧擦心胸狭窄的人的眉毛而过.




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