词汇 | revolution |
词根词缀 | 词源: 1390, originally of celestial bodies, from O.Fr. revolution, from L.L. revolutionem (nom. revolutio) "a revolving," from L. revolutus, pp. of revolvere "turn, roll back" (see revolve). General sense of "instance of great change in affairs" is recorded from c.1450. Political meaning first recorded 1600, derived from French, and was especially applied to the expulsion of the Stuart dynasty under James II in 1688 and transfer of sovereignty to William and Mary. Revolutionary as a noun is first attested 1850, from the adjective. Revolutionize "to change a thing completely and fundamentally" is first recorded 1799. 词根记忆: n. 革命;旋转,转数The revolution caused a radical reformation of the society.革命引起了社会的彻底改革. n. 革命,变革(re翻+olut+ion→翻转→革命)[vol,volv,volt=roll,turn,表示"卷,转"] 词根词缀: revolution revolution n 革命,变革(re翻+olut+ion=翻转=革命) vol volv volt=roll,turn,表示”卷,转” olubility n 流畅,健谈(vol+udility能…性质=[舌头]能转动=健谈) voluble a 流畅的,滔滔不绝的volume n 卷,册(vol+ume=卷=一卷书) voluminous a 多卷的,多产的(volum卷+inous多…的=多卷本的) convolve v 盘旋,缠绕(con一起+volv+e=一起转=缠绕) evolve v 发展,进化(e出+volv+e=转出来=发展,进化) evolution n 进化,发育(e+volut+ion) evolutionism n 进化论(evolution进化+ism) revolution n 革命,变革(re翻+olut+ion=翻转=革命) revolve v 旋转,循环(re再+volv+e=再转一次=旋转) revolver n 左轮手枪(re+volv+er=子弹旋转打出) revolt n 叛变,起义(re反+volt转=转反了=叛变) involve v 卷入,连累(in 进入+volv+e=转进去=卷入) involement n 互卷,卷进(inter在…之间+olv+e=在[二者]间转_互卷) archivoit n 拱门装饰(areh弧行+i+volt_转成弧形拱门 装饰) |
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