词汇 | ascend |
词根词缀 | 词源: late 14c., from L. ascendere "to climb up," from ad- "to" + scandere "to climb" (see scan). An O.E. word for it was stigan. 词根记忆: vi. 渐渐上升,升高vt.攀登,登上Those innocent adolescents ascending the hill are the tribe's descendants of decent descent.这些爬山的天真青少年是这个部落具有正派血统的后代. v. 登上,爬上(a向上+scend)[scend,scens,scent=climb,表示"爬,攀"] 词根词缀: ascend ascend v 登上,爬上(a 向上+scend) scend, scens, scent=climb,表示”爬,攀” ascend v 登上,爬上(a 向上+scend) descend v 下降,传下(de向下+scend=向下爬) condescend v 屈尊俯就(con全部+descend=全身向下=屈尊俯就) condescension n “屈尊,贬低(condescend, d 变s+ion) ”transcend v 超越,胜过(trans超过+scend=爬过去=超越) descendant n 子孙,后代(descend传下+ant人=传下的人=后代) ascendancy n 权势,优势(ascend上升+ancy=上升状态=优势) descent n 下降,下坡(de+scent) ascendancy n 统治力量(ascend登高) -ancy=ance,表示”性质,状况” ascendancy n 统治力量(ascend登高) redundancy n 过剩,多余(red再+un波浪+ancy…波浪再回…多余) vacanyc n 空白,空缺(vac空+ancy) pregnancy n 怀孕(pregn余+ancy…拿住孩子…怀孕) buoyancy n 浮力(buoy浮标,浮起) compliancy n 依从,服从(comply服从) elegancy n 优美,高雅(elegant高雅) |
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