

词汇 respect
词根词缀 词源:
respect (n.) c.1300, from L. respectus "regard," lit. "act of looking back at one," pp. of respicere "look back at, regard, consider," from re- "back" + specere "look at" (see scope (1)). The verb is 1542, from the noun. Meaning "treat with deferential regard or esteem" is from 1560; respectable "worthy of respect" is from 1586 (implied in respected). "I have certainly known more men destroyed by the desire to have wife and child and to keep them in comfort than I have seen destroyed by drink and harlots." [William Butler Yeats, "Autobiography"]
/v.尊敬,尊重n.敬意,问候,关系,方面The respectful spectator gave the prospective president a retrospect of the spectacular spectrum.恭敬的旁观者对未来的总统回顾了壮观的光谱(景象).
respect v/n 尊敬(re再+spect=再看[一眼]=尊敬)
spect, spic= look, see,表示”看” aspect n 样子,容貌,方面(a加强意义+spect=看的东西=外表,容貌)
circumspect a 慎重的(circum周围+spect=看周围=小心的)
circumspection n 慎重,细心expect v 期待,盼望(ex出+spect=看出去=期待)
expectation n 期待,希望(expect+ation)
inspect v 检查,视察(in内+spect=看进去=视察)
inspection n 视察,认真看(inspect+ion)
perspective n 看法,眼界,透视(per全部+spect+ive=全部看到=透视,看法)
prospect n 展望,前景(pro向前+spect=向前看=展望)
prospective a 将来的(prospect前景+ive)
prospectus n 计划书,大纲(pro+spect+us=向前看的东西=大纲)
respect v/n 尊敬(re再+spect=再看[一眼]=尊敬)
respectable a 可敬的(respect+able)
respectful a 充满敬意的(respect+ful)
respective a 各自的(re回+spect+ive=回头看[自己]=各自的)
retrospect v 回顾,回想(retro向后+spect看=向后看=回顾)
retrospective a 回顾的,怀旧的suspect v 怀疑(sus下面+spect=在下面看=怀疑)
suspicion n 怀疑(sus+spic+ion=在下面看=怀疑)
suspicious a 多疑的(sus+spic+ious)
spectacle n 奇观,状观,(spect+acle复)
spectacular a 奇妙的,惊人的(spect+acular…的,来自spectacle奇观)
spectator n 观众,旁观者(spect+ator人=看的人=观众)
speculate v 思索,投机(spec+ulate=看准了=思考,投机)
speculation n 思索,投机(spec+ulate=看准了=思考,投机)
auspice n 吉兆,前兆(au鸟+spice=看到鸟[喜鹊]=吉兆)
auspicious a 吉兆的(auspice+ious)
cinspicuous a 显眼的,引人注目的(con大家+spic+uous=大家都看见=显眼的)
despicable a 可鄙的(de向下+spic+able=向下看=看不起=可鄙视的)
despise v 轻视,看不起(spis=spic)
perspicacious a 有洞察力的(per全部+spic+acious…的=全部都看到的)
respective a 各自的(由respect 尊敬转化而来,尊敬别人的隐私…各自的)
-ive (1)
表形容词 pervasive a 遍及的(per全部+vas走…全部走遍)
incisive a 一针见血的(in进入+cis切割)
repulsive a 令人厌恶的(re反+puls推…反推出去)
pensive a 沉思的,愁苦的(pens悬挂…挂着一颗心)
cursive a 草书的(curs跑…写字像跑一样)
impassive a 无动于衷的(im无+pass感情)
permissive a 过分纵容的(per全部+miss送,给…全部给出去)
evocative a 唤起(感情)
appreciative a 感谢的(ap+preci价值…给予价值)
affirmative a 赞同的,肯定的(af+firm肯定…给予肯定)
lucrative a 有利可图的(lucr钱)
recuperative a 有助健康的(re重新+cuper获得,拿…重新获得[健康])
respective a 各自的(由respect 尊敬转化而来,尊敬别人的隐私…各自的)
vindictive a 报复性的(vindict报仇)
prohibitive a 禁止的,价格昂贵的(pro前面+hibit拿…提前拿住,不让别人拿…禁止的)
plaintive a 伤心的(plaint悲伤)
receptive a 善于接受的(recept接受)
注:-itive见第93条 (2)
表名词后缀,”人或物” detective n 侦探(detect察觉)
captive n 俘虏(capt抓住)
native n 本地人(nat出生)
fugitive n 逃亡者(fug逃跑)
locomotive n 火车头(loco地方+mot动…从一地动到另一地)
explosive n 炸药(explose 爆炸)
preventive n 预防药(prevent预防)




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