

词汇 grammar
词根词缀 词源:
1176, gramarye, from O.Fr. grammaire "learning," especially Latin and philology, from L. grammatica, from Gk. grammatike tekhne "art of letters," with a sense of both philology and literature in the broadest sense, from gramma "letter," from stem of graphein "to draw or write." Restriction to "rules of language" is a post-classical development, but as this type of study was until 16c. limited to Latin, M.E. gramarye also came to mean "learning in general, knowledge peculiar to the learned classes" (c.1320), which included astrology and magic; hence the secondary meaning of "occult knowledge" (c.1470), which evolved in Scottish into glamour (q.v.). A grammar school (1387) was originally "a school in which the learned languages are grammatically taught" [Johnson, who also has grammaticaster "a mean verbal pedant"]. In U.S. (1860) the term was put to use in the graded system for "a school between primary and secondary, where English grammar is taught."
语法,语法书The telegram says that the diagrams show the grammar of the program.电报说图表表示程序的语法.
grammar n 语法,文法(gram+mar=写的[规则]=语法)
graph,gram=write,表示”写,图” biography n 传记(文学)
biographer n 传记作家(biography+er)
epigraph n 文前题词(epi在旁边+graph=在旁边写的字=题词)
autograph n 亲笔字(auto自己+graph=自己写的字=亲笔字)
monograph n 专题论文(mono一个+graph=讨论一个问题的论文=专题论文)
photograph n 相片(photo光+graph=用光写=相片)
lexicography n 辞典编纂(lexico词,词曲+graphy)
topography n 地形学(topo地方,场所+graph写+y=写地方=地形学)
telegraph n 电报(tele远+graph=从远方写来=电报)
stenographer n速记员(steno狭小+graph写+er=缩小了写=速记)
dictograph n侦听器(dicto说+graph=把说的写下=侦听器)
epigram n 警句,格言(epi在…后面+gram=在[书后]写=格言)
epigrammatic a 警句的,简洁的(epigram+atic)
program n 计划,提纲,程序(pro在前+gram=在前面写好=计划,提纲)
gramophone n留声机(gram+o+phone 声音=写下声音=留声机)
grammar n 语法,文法(gram+mar=写的[规则]=语法)
diagram n 图解,图表(dia交叉+gram=交叉画图)
cryptogram n 密码(crypto秘密+gram=秘密写=密码)
seismogram n 地震图(seismo地震+gram)




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