词汇 | exemplify |
词根词缀 | 74. -fy, -ify 表动词,“使,…化”beautify,certify,classify,dignify,exemplify,horrify,humidify,intensify,justify,magnify,modify,purify,satisfy,uglify,diversify,glorify,codify,fortify,liquefy,nullify,ossify beautify★ v. 美化 beauti(=beauty,美)+fy→美化 certify★ v. 证明;使确信 cert(确定)+ify→使确定→使确信 certify sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事;certify to/for 保证 I can certify for his honesty. 我可以保证他是诚实的。 classify★ v. 分类,归类 class(种类)+ify→分类 How are we going to classify a typical politician or a businessperson who engages in unethical practices? 我们要如何将那些典型的从事不道德活动的政治家或商人分类呢? dignify★ v. 使…显得崇高;给…增光 dign(崇高)+ify→使…显得崇高 exemplify★ v. 举例证明 exampl(e)(例子)+ify→举例证明 The modern spirit of revolt was best exemplified by the works of Kafka. 现代反抗精神在卡夫卡的作品中得到了最充分的体现。 horrify★ v.(使)恐惧 horr(怕)+ify→(使)恐惧 humidify★ v. 使潮湿 humid(潮湿的)+ify→使潮湿 intensify★ v. 加强;加剧 intens(e)(强烈的)+ify→加强 Violence intensified during these days. 近来暴力活动有所加剧。 justify★ v. 表明(或证明)…是正当的(或有理的) just(正义的)+ify→证明正当 No matter under what circumstances, domestic violence cannot be justified. 无论是在什么情况下,家庭暴力都是不正当的。 magnify★ v. 放大;夸大 magn(大)+ify→放大 modify★ v. 修改 mod(模式)+ify→更改模式→修改 The challenge is to help them modify their lifestyle. 挑战在于要帮助他们改变生活方式。 purify★ v. 净化 pur(纯洁)+ify→使纯洁→净化 satisfy★ v.(使)满足 satis(饱,满)+fy→满足 Come on, satisfy my curiosity, what happened last night? 来嘛,满足一下我的好奇心,昨晚发生了什么事? uglify★ v. 丑化 ugli(=ugly,丑陋的)+fy→丑化 diversify★★ v.(使)多样化 divers(e)(多样的)+ify→(使)多样化 They'll diversify his job to make it less monotonous. 他们会使他的工作多样化,不至于太单调。 glorify★★ v. 增光 glor(光荣)+ify→增光 codify★★★ v. 编辑成书;编成法典 cod(e)(编码)+ify→把字码成书→编辑成书 fortify★★★ v. 筑防御工事;设防于;加强 forti(强)+fy→加强 He fortified himself against the cold with alcohol. 他喝酒御寒。 liquefy★★★ v.(使)液化 lique(液体)+fy→液化 nullify★★★ v. 使无效,抵消 null(无效的)+ify→使无效 ossify★★★ v. 硬化;骨化;僵化 oss(骨)+ify→骨化 Rapid social changes have ossified most old people. 社会的飞速变化让大多数老人变得僵化。 203. em, empt, am, ampl=to take, to procure 表示“拿;获得”ample,example,exemplify,exempt,exemption,redemption,exemplar,pre-empt,pre-emption,peremptory,redeem ample★ a. 充足的 ampl+e→拿得多→充足 example★ n. 例子;榜样 ex(出)+ampl+e→拿出来(做榜样)→榜样 exemplify★ v. 举例说明;是…的例证 ex+empl(=ampl)+ify→举例说明 This book exemplifies the peak of modern literature. 这部书代表着现代文学的颠峰。 exempt★ v. 免除,豁免 ex+empt→获得(免除的权利)→免除 exempt sb. from sth. 免除某人的义务或责任等 exemption★ n. 免除,豁免 redemption★★ n. 赎回,买回 red(=re,回)+empt+ion→拿回→赎回 exemplar★★★ n. 典型;模型 ex+empl(=ampl)+ar→拿出来做榜样→典型 exemplar method 标准方法 pre-empt★★★ v. 以先买权取得;先发制人 pre(预先)+empt→先拿→先发制人 pre-emption★★★ n. 优先权;霸占 peremptory★★★ a. 专横的;武断的 per(加强)+empt+ory→全部都拿→专横的 peremptory provision 强制性规定 redeem★★★ v. 赎回,买回;挽回;救赎 red+eem(=em)→拿回→赎回 There will be one more chance to redeem yourself. 你还有一次自我救赎的机会。 |
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