词汇 | adjust |
词根词缀 | 4. ad- 表示“(行为、动作、作用的)对象;加强”adapt,addict,adhere,adjacent,adjust,administrate,admire,adopt,advent,adventure,adept,adduce,admonish,adumbrate adapt★ v. 适应;改编 ad+apt(合适的)→使变为合适的→适应 adapt to 适应;adapt to doing sth. 适应做某事;adapt...for 将…改编为,改写为 The freshmen are trying to adapt to their new life on campus, and the parents are collecting employment information for their sons and daughters. 大一新生正尝试适应大学生活,而家长们则在为子女收集就业信息。 addict★ v. 上瘾,入迷 ad+dict(=dic,说)→一再说起→上瘾 adhere★ v. 坚持;粘连,黏附 ad+her(粘)+e→粘连 adhere to 坚持;黏附 adjacent★ a. 邻近的 ad+jac(躺)+ent→躺得很近→邻近的 adjust★ v. 调整 ad+just(正确)→使正确→调整 adjust...to 调整…以适应 Check and adjust the watch according to the time on TV. 根据电视上的时间对一下表。 administrate★ v. 管理;执行 ad+minstr(官员)+ate→管理 admire★ v. 钦佩,赞赏;欣赏 ad+mir(惊奇)+e→很惊喜→赞赏;欣赏 adopt★ v. 收养;采纳 ad+opt(选择)→做选择→采纳 The methods we adopt to improve our production are vitally important. 我们采纳的促进生产的方法至关重要。 advent★ n. 来临 ad+vent(来)→来临 adventure★ v. 冒险 ad+venture(冒险)→冒险 adept★★ a. 熟练的 ad+ept(=apt,适应)→适应做某事→熟练的 be adept at 精通于 词源故事 早在中世纪,有些炼金术士喜以拉丁语adeptus自诩,意为“擅长炼金术”。adept一词即源于此。 adduce★★★ v. 引证,举例 ad+duc(引导)+e→一再引导→引证,举例 admonish★★★ v. 告诫,警告 ad+mon(警告)+ish→一再警告→告诫 My friends admonished me that I should behave myself well before the elder. 我的朋友们告诫我在长辈面前要规矩点。 adumbrate★★★ v. 预示 ad+umbr(影子)+ate→出现影子→预示 |
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